
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gwen's Big Haircut

As many of you know, we have two cats. Our inherited cat, Gwen, is a hairy beast. She's part Persian and part wild animal. No, literally, she's part wild animal. Anyway, she's very furry. I like it when her fur gets long, because she's a very pretty cat. The problem is, she molts. I can always tell when it's time for Gwen to get a haircut because she leaves clumps of fur all over my carpet. That's when I get frustrated, so we break out the trimmers and the fun begins! Usually we pad the bathtub with towels and go to town. With the weather finally warming up, we opted to get a big ol' extension cord and go outside. Luckily, our cute neighbor was walking by and agreed to take a couple of pictures so I could share the experience with ya'll. Brian holds her tight, and I go after her with the trimmers. Most of the time, she's pretty tolerant. Once in a while, she's squirmy. I think the noise and excitement of being outside made her a little uneasy. Once she got used to the new surroundings, she put up with us. We carefully have to trim away the thick parts, mostly on her sides, and then we trim her up with clippers. When she's had enough, she lets us know. So, even if there are still some long spots, they stay put. Until, that is, Brian can't stand it anymore and trims her up.

After that adventure comes the fun part! Gwen gets a BATH!!! Most cats hate water, and ours are no exception. Gwen is more tolerant than Howie. It's like she knows that were are bigger than she is, and if she just puts up with it, we'll be done soon. She sure looks funny when we're done! This time, Howie got a bath too. Boy was he mad at us!!!


Vanessa Swenson said...

she's so furry. seriously, how does she get that furry?

Melinda said...

Julie! How are you? I was so happy to find you through Brian's blog on SFHS '00. Sorry to blogstalk, but it's great to see you! What have you been up to? I saw Vanessa in the temple awhile ago and since then I have been thinking of you. You look so beautiful and perfect in your wedding pic! Sorry to leave this message here. Maybe you can delete it after you've read it? My email is melinda_joyce@hotmail.com
Lots of love and well wishes,
Melinda (Christensen) Turner